
Parish |
: Muthalakodam |
Patron | : St.George |
Parish Vicar | : Rev. Fr. Adapoor Joseph |
Assistant Vicar1 | : Rev. Fr. Kizhakkedath Mathew |
Assistant Vicar2 | : Rev. Fr. Peechanikunnel George |
Established Year | : 1312 |
Email | : info@muthalakodamstgeorgechurch.com |
Address | : Muthalakodam |
Pin | : 685605 |
Latitude | : 9.910564 |
Longitude | : 76.733233 |
Phone | : 04862-222786 |
Fax | : - |
SMCIM Website | :
http://www.smcim.org/church/muthalakodam |
Web | :
http://www.muthalakodamstgeorgechurch.com |
Catholic Families | : 1370 |
Catholic Population | : 6380 |
Religious Houses | : SH |
Institutions | : HSS |
Description | : - |
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